Film Production
Our studio works produce a complete range of film productions, whether it be commercials, viral story-telling production, sales of production, styling, image sales, or sales direction. With our specialist in storyboard, production, Color Grading, and editing throughout. We focus on stylish, direct message content and outstanding techniques.
Fashion Media
We have an understanding of various fashion media such as Fashion Film, Campaign Movies, Visual Runway, Fashion Show and Fashion Directions.
Projection Mapping
We have expertise in projection mapping, sculpture, building, stage and setting up scenes. Set-up can be done in venues of all scales. We can propose ideas for content, motion and composition. We also provide all necessary equipment and installation techniques with complete supervision.
Visual On Stage
We provide a service to create a variety of visual styles, whether 3D animation techniques or visual styles suitable for the stage, such as visualization of show segmentations, contests, launch parties or banquets. Displayed on LED screen platform with a variety of arrangements. We can also create the footage and direction of the overall display on the stage.
Music & Party Media
We have passion for music and are interested in media such as VDO Promotion Concerts, MV making, which can be done with various techniques. Whether shooting or using computer graphics, we can create complete full-work from shows, visual display for every band and every song, as well as manage the event and control the direction of both the concert and party flow.
Corporate Video
We have expertise in official storytelling - using a variety of techniques to present information such as film, animation, motion graphic and infographics - to help you convey the story of your company or project's brand identity.